Interdisciplinary Report

Campus Berlin Süd

Today we would like to share with you some impressions of the presentation of Class 11/12 on November 26, 2019, under the direction of Dr. Ulrike Schwartzkopff-Lorenz and Ruud Kuin.
The second interdisciplinary project of the school year was undertaken by Year 11 and 12. It was in the subjects’ chemistry and art. Our aim was to produce our own paint (Prussian Blue or Berlin Blue) and use it during the art classes. The chemical name of this compound is called Iron(II,III)hexacyanoferrate(II,III) and was made by combining 2 chemicals. Which were filtered, dried and grounded up to a fine powder. This was mixed with water to create a water based paint or with linseed oil to create an oil based paint.
The art classes used the paint to create monochromous paintings of plants. Inspired by Karl Blossfelt (1865-1932), a German photographer, sculptor, teacher and artist who worked in Berlin.
A great example of this paint can be observed in “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” created by Hokusai or “Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh.

Text: Dr. Ulrike Schwartzkopff-Lorenz and Ruud Kuin