Hiking through High School

Campus Berlin Süd

Think back to your first day of high school. Were you excited? Maybe a little nervous? We all know that coming to a Gymnasium is an important first day of a rewarding journey ahead. The new Year 7s at Phorms Süd were welcomed on Monday with a trip to the Schlachtensee with Mr. Lipton and their class teachers, Mr. Kiely and Dr. Bailey. The following day, the Year 7s gathered together for a workshop by Frau Vattes, our school psychologist, and Ms. Ratko, the Lower Secondary Coordinator. The workshop was designed with the goal to set the students up for success. They talked about new academic expectations, social behaviour, and how to be self-reflective. The students already shared some great ideas about how they can stay organized and set goals for themselves. After a presentation and several discussions, the activities allowed the students to work together as a team and get to know each other better. Throughout the workshop, they learned that Gymnasium is like a big hike: they gather skills to help them along the way, and have each other and our teaching team to ensure they get to where they are going. The goal is that they get to enjoy the journey as they go. Welcome to your adventurous hike, Year 7s!
(Text: SR)